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The Policeman of the 16th Precinct
The Fortune Teller
Maiden's Cheek
The Counterfeit Coin
Woe to the Young''Αλίμονο στους νέους''
Tzo o tromerosJoe the Menace'''Τζο ο τρομερός'''
I soferina''Η Σωφερίνα''
Kalos ilthe ton dollario''Καλώς ήλθε το δολλάριο''
Allos gia to ekatommyrio
Dead Man's Treasure''Ο θησαυρός του μακαρίτη''O thisavros tou makariti
Madame X
O ziliarogatos
Exo oi kleftes''Έξω οι κλέφτες''
O methystakas
Thanassakis o politevomenosΘανασάκης ο Πολιτευόμενος
Some Like it Cool
Windfall in Athens
All the Night Hides
A Matter of Earnestness
When the Cat Is Away
The Heart of the Greek
Stournara 288
Educating My Father
And the Wife Shall Revere Her Husband''Η δε γυνή να φοβήται τον άντρα''
The Tough Guy türkiye
Ena votsalo sti limni''Ένα βότσαλο στη λίμνη''
To exypno pouli
Liar Wanted
Dancing the Sirtaki
Murder Backstage
Quiet Days in August
Oi kyries tis avlis
Polytehnitis kai erimospitis
The Wise Guy
Oute gata oute zimiaΟύτε γάτα ούτε ζημιά
Heaven Is Ours
Jenny Jenny
O filos mou o Lefterakis''Ο φίλος μου ο Λευτεράκης''
The Taxi Driver